Wednesday May 9, 2007 3:07 PM

One Last Look

Rockets return to playoffs, complete best season in a decade

Damien Pierce Staff Writer

HOUSTON -- 로켓츠는 서부 컨퍼런스 엘리트 팀 대열에 재진입하기 위해서 06-07 시즌 대부분을 보냈다.

비록 포스트 시즌 1라운드에서 떨어지긴 했지만, 확실히 서부 상위팀에 들 만한 힘을 보여줬다.

로켓츠는 지난 4년간 3번이나 플레이오프에 진출했을 뿐만아니라, 특히 이번 시즌에는 52승을 거두면서 지난 10년동안에 최고 성적을 기록했다. 1라운드에서 유타와 7차전까지 가는 접전끝에 패하긴 했지만, 홈코트 어드밴티지를 얻어내기도 했었다.

로켓츠는 확실히 두명의 스타가 이끌고 있다. 야오 밍은 부상으로 전체시즌을 소화하진 못했지만 리그에서 가장 도미네이트한 빅맨중 하나로 올라섰고, 트레이시 맥그레이디는 24.6득점에 커리어 하이인 6.5어시스트를 기록하면서 커리어 동안에 가장 올어라운드한 모습을 보여줬다. 그러나 거기다 새로운 선수들도 떠올랐다. 06 드래프트 데이날 트레이드로 영입되었던 쉐인 배티에는 디펜시브 스타퍼로써 로켓츠에 큰 역할을 했고, 척 헤이즈와 루써 헤드는 둘다 브레이크아웃한 시즌을 보냈다.

이러한 팀내 핵심들과 함께 다음 시즌을 더욱 기대하게 반들면서, 07-08 시즌에는 서부 엘리트 팀으로 거듭나길 기대해 본다.

Record: 52승30패, 서부 컨퍼런스 4위이자, 사우스웨스트 디비전 3위의 성적이다.

Defining Moment: 물론 1라운드 탈출이 모두의 마음속에 떠오를 것이다.

그러나 결정적 순간?

로켓츠는 야오의 두달 넘는 결장을 극복하고 서부 탑 팀들 사이에 살아남았다.

지난 12월 23일 야오가 오른쪽 무릎 골절로 나가떨어진후에도 로켓츠는 무너지지 않았다. 야오가 없는 두달간 22승 10패를 거뒀다. 티맥은 MVP 포스로 팀을 이끌었고, 디켐베 무톰보와 주원 하워드가 좋은 활약을 펼치면서 야오의 공백을 메꾸었다.

로켓츠는 자신들의 두명의 스타중 하나가 없었음에도 살아남아서 성공적인 포스트 시즌 진출을 이루어냈다.

Best Game: 댈러스에게 거둔 개막전의 승리? 샌안토니오에서의 원정 승리? 그러면 히트와 샤크를 상대로 보여준 야오의 멋진 게임? 모두다 근접하긴 했다. 하지만 로켓츠의 베스트 퍼포먼스는 정규 시즌 홈 마지막 게임에서 거둔 피닉스를 상대로 한 승리이다. 로켓츠는 피닉스를 맞이하여 120-117의 인상적인 승리를 거두면서 플레이오프 1라운드 홈코트 어드밴티지를 확정지었다. 거기다 리그 베스트 팀중 하나인 피닉스를 상대로 승리를 거뒀다는 점이다. 이 승리가 있기전에 휴스턴은 피닉스에게 무려 6연패 중이었다.

Worst Game: 홈에서 보스턴 셀틱스에게 패한 게임. 리그에서 뒤에서 두번째로 최악의 성적으로 시즌을 마감한 셀틱스에게 홈에서 77-72로 패하였다. 야오와 티맥 둘다 라인업에서 빠진 가운데 겨우 32.1%의 필드골 성공률을 기록했다.

What went right: 로켓츠는 지난 05-06 시즌에 플레이오프를 놓쳤지만 올 시즌 다시금 플레이오프에 진출했다. 프랜차이즈는 팀 레코드인 25번의 매진을 기록했고 "Red Rowdies"의 활동은 홈코트를 더욱 뜨겁게 달구었다. 굿 뉴스의 나머지부분은? 티맥은 고질적인 등 부상을 극복하고 무려 72게임이나 소화했다. 야오는 부상으로 두달을 결장하긴 했지만, 부상 당하기 전엔 리그에서 가장 도미네이트한 센터가 되어가면서 커리어에서 처음으로 MVP 언급을 이끌어 내었다. 로켓츠는 리그 최고의 수비팀중 하나이며 상대팀을 리그 최저인 42.9%의 야투율로 막아냈다.

What went wrong: 만약 야오가 결장하지 않았더라면 서부에서의 순위는 더 올라갔을테지만, 어쨋든 1라운드 홈코트 어드밴티지는 따내었다. FA로 팀에 합류한 반지 웰스는 로켓츠가 본래 의도한 포스트 시즌을 위한, 팀의 3번째 공격옵션으로 남지 못했다. 라인업을 기복있는 스팟업 슈터들로 채운 로켓츠는 플레이오프 내내 3번째 공격옵션의 부재로 어려움을 겪었다.

Biggest Surprise: 1년이 채 못되어 NBDL에서 NBA 스타터로 올라선 척 헤이즈는 팀내에서 가장 믿음직한 로우-블락 수비수이자 리바운더이다. 헤이즈는 야오가 부상으로 결장한 덕분이지만 팀내 리딩 리바운더로서 시즌을 마쳤고, 이번 시즌 기대 이상의 활약을 펼쳤다.

Early Lineup Outlook: 로켓츠는 이번 여름 어떤 변화가 있을지도 모르지만, 핵심선수들은 변하지 않을 것이다. 휴스턴은 여전히 티맥과 야오가 이끌테니. 이번 오프시즌에 무톰보와 헤이즈를 포함해서 3명의 선수가 FA가 된다. 리그에서 두번째로 나이가 많은 선수인 무톰보는 아마 은퇴할 지도 모른다.

Biggest Need: 로켓츠는 플레이를 만들어낼 능력을 가진 또 다른 선수가 필요하다. 티맥은 이번 시즌과 플레이오프를 통해서 너무나 많은 짐을 지고 있었다.

Posted by Third Eye

- 야오와 드림의 워크아웃

<훈련 장면 동영상 - 출처 : >

사용자 삽입 이미지

사용자 삽입 이미지

May 23, 2007, 10:20AM
It's Dream time for Yao at workouts with Olajuwon

His voice in Yao Ming's ear, Hakeem Olajuwon planted a forearm in the small of Yao's back, and one generation of Rockets royalty shoved the next toward something far greater than a different spot on the Toyota Center floor.

Beneath the championship banners he brought and the No. 34 no Rockets player will wear again, Olajuwon demonstrated and lectured, shared and inspired.

For a little more than an hour Tuesday, the greatest of all Rockets players put the latest in the team's lineage of star centers in his classroom, showing jump hooks and "Jack Sikma" jumpers, spin moves and drop steps, all to make Yao the dominant force of Olajuwon's vision.

"How do you dominate the game?" Olajuwon asked as he and Yao moved from the left block to the right. "You're hardworking. You have the conditioning. You have the shot. You have everything. Now, you need to dominate."

Olajuwon spoke of Yao using his jump hook as his basic move.

"To the middle. No. More balance. To here. Balance. Balance. If you can get the jump hook any time, it's all day. All day."

Olajuwon showed him his spin toward the baseline.

"No. Don't spin out. Spin in. All right. Nice move."

He showed Yao a jump shot stepping toward the defender.

"That's (former Sonics star) Jack Sikma. No. No. You're bringing it down to the little guy. Where's your elbow? This should be your move. That's your move. Who's going to stop that? That's a go-to move. You feel comfortable. Balance. Balance. Balance. Balance. All day."

With everything Olajuwon demonstrated, fundamentals direct from the lessons of Guy Lewis, Moses Malone and Carroll Dawson, the idea was to make Yao dominate.

"You can dominate," Olajuwon, 7-0, said, nodding toward the banner honoring him for his NBA-record 3,830 blocked shots. "You can get all new records. Do you believe that? You should.

"You should be scoring at will. You should be scoring easy. Easy. They are in trouble on defense. They are in trouble on offense. They have no answer. No answer."

After the time on the court with Olajuwon, Yao could not argue.

"For a young player, not many get this chance," Yao, 26, said. "I'm the honored one of those. Next time, I would love to have more time to be (taught) by him.

"The mentality is the biggest difference between him and me right now. I hope, not far in the future, I can be the same thing. Like him."

More in the works

Yao's agent, John Huizinga, said he has begun trying to schedule more sessions in which Yao can work with Olajuwon. That might depend on whether Yao has a procedure to remove a toenail. He has several appointments this week to determine whether to undergo that minor surgery.

Olajuwon, 44, said he enjoyed working with Yao so much that he'd be happy to do it again.

"It was so much fun to work with a great player like him," Olajuwon said. "He has so much potential. It's scary to think what he can really do. By just adding little things to his game, he can raise his level.

"The important thing for him because he is playing so well already is just how to dominate the game. He has all the advantages, and he's so skilled. (There are) little things he can do to make him be a dominant player consistently. It's scary to see what he can do in the future."

There were light moments in the workout.

While working on a move that is part of Yao's repertoire and on which he looked much more adept than on some of Olajuwon's spins, Olajuwon pointed to his blocked shots banner and said: "I'm a shot-blocker. And I'm discouraged."

On a move toward the middle, when Yao, 7-6, did not raise an elbow high enough to protect the ball, Olajuwon smacked Yao's elbow and said, "Use these."

"I know," Yao said. "On this point, Dikembe (Mutombo) is better than you."

Trying out the moves

Yao is scheduled to return to China early next month for a vacation and to begin training with the Chinese national team. He could play in one or two exhibition tournaments, he said, and try some of the moves Olajuwon showed him.

"Most of his moves are easy to learn, easy to watch on TV," Yao said. "But when you do that, with contact on your body, that's totally different. So I need to do what he's going to teach me every day, a couple hundred times a day, make myself used to it. After that, I need to play some live games, maybe use it in a national team game. And then, back to the season. I hope I can get a lot improved.

"The biggest difference between him and me is the mentality. He's got two championship rings in a row. I'm not saying I found out today, but I can hear very strongly from him, 'You are the biggest player on the court. You need to go in and change the game. You need to be dominant.' He repeated that time and time again.

"I feel a little bit different. I feel his heart."

For all that they share and shared Tuesday, that was perhaps the most valuable thing Olajuwon could give Yao.


- 반지 웰스, 제프 밴 건디와 새 감독이 될 릭 아델만에 대해 이야기하다

혹시 잔류? 반지는 플레이어 옵션을 가지고 있죠.

Bonzie Wells Sets the Record Straight

Last Edited: Tuesday, 22 May 2007, 6:20 PM CDT
Created: Tuesday, 22 May 2007, 6:20 PM CDT

HOUSTON -- In his first interview since Bonzi Wells prematurely ended his season with the Rockets April 9, Wells told FOX 26 Sports he has no hard feelings toward former Rockets head coach Jeff Van Gundy. He says he is thrilled at the expected hiring of Rick Adelman as the Rockets new head coach and he says if the business side of things can be worked out he would like to return to the Rockets.

Wells left the Rockets with five games to go in the regular season because he indicated at the time he felt like he was hurting team chemistry. In the interview with FOX 26 Wells sets the record straight about his relationship with Van Gundy.

"I felt like we had a good team and I thought I was the missing link. I still do. Coach (Van Gundy) didn't see it that way. He thought he was going the right way. Coach Van Gundy didn't think I fit in. He came to me as a man and told me that. I looked into his eyes and I could see that he hurt for me. I respected that. He told me that I could ask to be waived and I told him I didn't want to be anywhere else. I hated the way it ended because I really started to appreciate him, " Wells said.

Van Gundy is not suprised at Wells comments about him.

"Perception and reality are often very different. I never thought it was personal between Bonzi and I. I think it's great for Bonzi with Rick coming in because he has a proven history with him. I think it could work out great, " Van Gundy said in an interview with FOX 26 Sports.

Wells believes the Rockets expected hiring of Rick Adelman is almost like divine intervention.

"I thought it was like God sent him here for me. Rick Adelman is a great coach. He's the best coach I have ever had. He really knows how to relate to his players. He does a great job of letting guys be themselves, " Wells said.

Wells played for Adelman for one year when both were in Sacramento.

"I love coach Adelman. With Coach Adelman coming here I really don't want to be anywhere else," Wells said.

However there is a business side to all of this. Before last season Wells signed a two year contract with the Rockets with the right to opt out after year one. The total value of the contract is about $4.4 million.

"I have a decision to make and so do they. I wanted to be here even if Jeff Van Gundy was going to be here. It's still early. I think they need a guy like me," Wells said.

Wells doesn't rule out opting out and then re-signing with Houston.


Posted by Third Eye
Friday May 18, 2007 4:50 PM

Parting Ways

Van Gundy leaves after four seasons with the Rockets organization

Damien Pierce Staff Writer

HOUSTON -- Jeff Van Gundy will not be back to coach the Rockets next season.

The Rockets parted ways with their fourth-year coach on Friday afternoon, ending two weeks of speculation revolving around the future of the coach.

Van Gundy and the organization were unable to reach an agreement to extend his time on the sideline after a lenghty negotiating period. The coach was 182-146 in four seasons in Houston, guiding the team to three playoff appearances.

"First and foremost, we want to thank Jeff for his tireless efforts here with the team over the past four seasons," Rockets general manager Daryl Morey said. "Jeff built the team into a top defensive club and played a crucial part in helping mold this team into a playoff contender."

The Rockets will continue searching for Van Gundy's replacement.

Van Gundy, who is was 430-318 in 11 seasons as an NBA coach, guided the Rockets to a 52- win season, their best performance in a decade. However, he was unable to guide the Rockets beyond the first round of the playoffs. Houston was eliminted by Utah in seven games.

The coach was offered the opportunity to remain with the organization as a senior consultant, but declined the offer.

" Since the end of the postseason, we have had numerous conversations with Jeff about his interest in proceeding as the head coach," Morey said. "He asked for, and was granted, additional time to evaluate his situation with the agreement that we would begin looking into other candidates. During that process, it became clear that Jeff did not want to continue in any capacity with the team other than as head coach."

Rick Adelman, who has made coaching stops in Portland, Golden State and Sacramento, will be drawing up plays for Yao Ming and Tracy McGrady next season.


College: Loyola Marymount.
NBA playing career: In seven seasons with San Diego Rockets (1968-70), Portland Trail Blazers (1970-73), Chicago Bulls (1973-74), New Orleans Jazz (1974-75) and Kansas City-Omaha Kings (1975), averaged 7.9 points, 3.5 assists and 2.4 rebounds per game.
NBA head coaching career: 16 seasons with Trail Blazers (1988-94), Golden State Warriors (1995-97) and Sacramento Kings (1998-2006).
Coaching record: 752-481 (.610).
Coaching highlights: Took Trail Blazers to 1990 and 1992 NBA Finals; guided teams to 14 playoff appearances and four division titles.

May 21, 2007, 11:17PM
Adelman reaches deal to coach Rockets

Rick Adelman, the only candidate the Rockets pursued, agreed to terms Monday on a contract to become the team's next coach, a person with knowledge of the Rockets' decision-making said.

Adelman will fly to Houston today and be introduced on Wednesday.

"The Rockets organization will get an outstanding coach," said Hall of Fame guard Clyde Drexler, who played for Adelman with the Portland Trail Blazers. "I think he's the guy to get them over the top."

After a series of meetings with Rockets owner Leslie Alexander and general manager Daryl Morey on May 11 and May 12, Adelman was the Rockets' choice to succeed Jeff Van Gundy less than a week after the team's first-round playoff loss to the Utah Jazz. Van Gundy was fired after four season as Rockets coach on Friday.

"Rick is a really good coach and a better guy," Van Gundy said. "I think he'll really do well."

Morey, Alexander and Adelman were not available for comment.

Adelman, 60, is 752-481 in 16 seasons as an NBA coach. He has a 70-68 postseason record. He led the Trail Blazers to the NBA Finals in 1990 and 1992 and advanced to the Western Conference Finals in 1991 with the Trail Blazers and 2002 with the Sacramento Kings.

With a 752-481 record, he will have the best winning percentage (.610) of any Rockets coach. He is 70-68 in the post-season.

Drafted by the Rockets in the second round of the 1968 Draft, he went to the Trail Blazers in the 1970 expansion draft before the Rockets moved from San Diego to Houston.

Adelman will join Rudy Tomjanovich as the only former Rockets players to become a Rockets coach. The Rockets will be the third of the four teams for which Adelman played that he also will have coached, having also coached and played for the Blazers and Kings. (He also briefly played for the Chicago Bulls in a seven-year playing career.)

With the Trail Blazers and his first Kings teams, Adelman had faced-paced, high scoring teams. His later teams, while still among the NBA's top scoring teams, were more halfcourt oriented, using many cuts and screens in a variation of the Princeton offense.

His first seven Sacramento teams were among the top three scoring teams in the NBA, leading the league in scoring his first three seasons with the Kings. His 2001-02 team, which advanced to Game 7 of the Western Conference finals, won 61 games, by an average of 7.6 points per game. He was fired after the 2005-06 season when the Kings went 44-38, losing in six games to the San Antonio Spurs in the first round of the playoffs.

His best season as a coach might have been with the 1990-91 Trail Blazers, when Portland went 63-19.

Posted by Third Eye
- 야오, 티맥 세컨팀

야오는 아마레보다 1위표를 더 많이 받았음에도 전체 포인트에서 뒤져서 세컨 팀이 되었네요.
부상때문이기도 하지만, 다음 시즌엔 퍼스트 팀 가자!


Position Player, Team (1st Team Votes) Points
Forward Dirk Nowitzki, Dallas (125) 634
Forward Tim Duncan, San Antonio (94) 573
Center Amaré Stoudemire, Phoenix (36) 351
Guard Steve Nash, Phoenix (129) 645
Guard Kobe Bryant, L.A. Lakers (128) 643


Position Player, Team (1st Team Votes) Points
Forward LeBron James, Cleveland (64) 494
Forward Chris Bosh, Toronto (8) 234
Center Yao Ming, Houston (38) 333
Guard Gilbert Arenas, Washington 295
Guard Tracy McGrady, Houston (10) 278


Position Player, Team (1st Team Votes) Points
Forward Kevin Garnett, Minnesota (5) 225
Forward Carmelo Anthony, Denver (1) 142
Center Dwight Howard, Orlando (1) 108
Guard Dwyane Wade, Miami (1) 241
Guard Chauncey Billups, Detroit 86

- 야오 올여름 드림과 훈련

드림 옹과 훈련을 검토 중이라고.. 야오는 복도 많네요. 킹콩에다 마운틴 그리고 드림옹까지 ㅎㅎ
발톱수술과 함께 올여름엔 중국 국대와 같이 연습을 할꺼라고.. (중국 올림픽 대비?)

Yao & Hakeem?

Rockets center Yao Ming said he has discussed working with former Rockets star Hakeem Olajuwon in the offseason.

"It would be a great chance for me, if I can learn from him, one of the best centers in the NBA history, and particularly a legend for the Rockets," Yao said. "I would love to. I'm working on it."

Yao's summer plans

Yao Ming will have what he called a "small surgery" on a toe, possibly preventing the troublesome toenail from growing back. He said he expected that procedure to keep him from working out for only "a couple weeks."

He said he will likely train with the Chinese national team for a short period this summer but will have no competitions.

"I need some training," he said. "I'll take the first month off and then get back to training and work on my skills."

- 전 킹스 감독 릭 아델만, 로켓츠와 인터뷰

로켓츠 감독직을 위해서 인터뷰를 가졌다고 하네요. 은퇴한 캐럴 도슨 대신 새 GM 에 오른 대럴 메이는 " 밴 건디 감독에게도 기회는 열려 있다"라고 말하지마는..

Reports: Adelman interviews with Rockets for Van Gundy's job

HOUSTON — Former NBA coach Rick Adelman has talked to the Houston Rockets about the coaching job currently held by Jeff Van Gundy, according to media reports Tuesday night.

KRIV-TV, citing anonymous league sources, reported Adelman flew to Southampton, N.Y., for a meeting at the home of Rockets owner Leslie Alexander.

The Houston Chronicle, citing a person with knowledge of the team's decision-making, reported that general manager Daryl Morey also was part of the meeting.

Rockets spokesman Nelson Luis declined comment on the reports when contacted by The Associated Press on Tuesday night.

Van Gundy has one year left on his contract, but it's not guaranteed. There's a timeframe for him to decide whether to return, and the Rockets can terminate him without owing him any more money after June 30.

Van Gundy has been in Houston four years without winning a playoff series, something the club hasn't done since 1997. The Rockets went 52-30 this season despite long absences by stars Yao Ming and Tracy McGrady, then lost to Utah in the first round.

Morey has told the Chronicle that Van Gundy "is open to coaching again in certain scenarios," adding that each side has goals "for things to be different."

Adelman has coached Portland, Golden State and Sacramento. He was out of coaching this year after being fired by the Kings following last season. He took the Trail Blazers to the NBA finals twice.

- 무톰보옹 다시 은퇴를 고려중..

시즌 후반과 플레이오프에서 출장시간과 역할 감소로 인해서 다시금 고민 중이시라는..
아직은 마운틴 옹의 힘이 필요한데 말이죠. 휴스턴 벤치가 널널한 것도 아니고 ㅠ.ㅜ

Notes: Mutombo once again considering retirement

HOUSTON -- Dikembe Mutombo is planning to wag his finger at would-be dunkers for at least one more season.

Or is he?

The Rockets reserve center is once again considering retirement after having a reduced role in the second half of the season and playoffs.

Mutombo said he'd take some time over the summer months to make his decision. Mutombo and forward Chuck Hayes are the lone free agents on the team.

"I just spent the week with my kids and talked to my wife about it again," Mutombo said. "I'm going to see how my summer goes. I'm just frustrated with the fact that there was a chance for us to go to the second round."

Mutombo, the league's second oldest player, will turn 41 in June. He initially said after the All-Star break that he didn't want to leave behind the game because he was having too much fun. However, the center has had second thoughts since playing reduced minutes over the final two months of the season. He played a total of 40 minutes in the playoffs.

"After contributing the way that I did over the course of the season, I felt like I did deserve a little bit of time to play," Mutombo said. "I was disappointed about it and I'm frustrated that we're still not playing."

The Rockets center helped keep Houston among the top teams in the Western Conference even though Yao Ming missed almost two months with a fractured right tibia. During Yao's absense, Mutombo averaged 5.4 points, 11.1 rebounds and 1.7 blocks. He moved past Kareem Abdul-Jabbar earlier this season into second place on the NBA's all-time blocked shots list, although he said he won't play long enough to catch Hakeem Olajuwon.

The center will focus most of his attention this summer on opening the Biamba Marie Mutombo Hospital and Research
Center in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The hospital is named after his mother, who passed away nine years ago.

"I'll probably think about the people in Africa and how I can help change their lives right now," Mutombo said. "After that, I'll think about basketball and if I want to do that."

- 밴 건디, 로켓츠 코치직에서 물러나다.

로켓츠 팬들의 염원이었던 1라운드 통과에 성공하지 못하면서 밴 건디가 나가게 되네요.
당장은 스퍼스 - 선즈 시리즈의 ESPN 게스트 애널리스트로 다시 방송일을 하게 될거라고..
2라운드 진출 실패로 역시나 연장 계약 논의 중이던 밴 건디에게 가장 먼저 타격이... 그동안 수고하셨습니다. 대머리 감독님..

Rockets fire Van Gundy as coach

By CHRIS DUNCAN AP Sports Writer
© 2007 The Associated Press

HOUSTON — Rockets coach Jeff Van Gundy was fired Friday, less than two weeks after Houston made yet another first-round playoff exit.

The Rockets went 52-30 this season but lost to Utah in seven games, raising the possibility Van Gundy was going to resign or be dismissed. This was the Rockets' third first-round loss in four seasons under Van Gundy.

Van Gundy had one nonguaranteed year left on his contract, meaning the team held the option to retain him. The team reportedly has contacted Rick Adelman, the former coach of Portland, Golden State and Sacramento.

General manager Daryl Morey scheduled an afternoon news conference. The firing comes days after Morey took over for the retiring Carroll Dawson following the Rockets' playoff elimination.

"Obviously, it is a disappointment for me personally with the decision they made to fire me," Van Gundy told Houston television station KRIV. "I was hopeful all the way up to last night they would change their mind."

The Rockets said in a statement they talked with Van Gundy during a "prolonged negotiating period," and he was offered a position with the team as a senior consultant.

"He asked for, and was granted, additional time to evaluate his situation with the agreement that we would begin looking into other candidates," Morey said. "During that process it became clear that Jeff did not want to continue in any capacity with the team other than as head coach."

Van Gundy led the Rockets to a 182-146 record in four seasons. But Houston went 7-12 in three postseason appearances and more was expected from teams anchored by All-Stars Tracy McGrady and Yao Ming.

The biggest disappointment was losing Game 7 at home to Utah, which then took advantage of Golden State's first-round upset of Dallas and advanced to the Western Conference finals by beating the Warriors in five games.

"You have to win that seventh game at home, certainly," Van Gundy told the Houston Chronicle. "If you win, you have a chance to continue on."

McGrady dropped to 0-6 in playoff series with the loss to the Jazz.

"I feel bad that I wasn't able to help McGrady and Yao and the rest of the guys get over the hump ... and also that I won't be with them as they go on because I know they have a lot of success ahead of them," Van Gundy told the Chronicle.

Van Gundy now may be headed back to one of his old jobs. He was scheduled to work as a guest analyst for ESPN on Friday night's playoff game between Phoenix and San Antonio.

Van Gundy was working in television when the Rockets hired him before the 2003-04 season. Before that, Van Gundy coached the New York Knicks for seven seasons, leading them to the NBA finals in 1999.

He joined the Rockets as the 10th head coach in franchise history in 2003. Van Gundy's career coaching record is 430-318, but only 44-44 in the postseason.

Posted by Third Eye

사용자 삽입 이미지

May 5, 2007, 12:54AM

결정적인 7차전을 홈에서 가지게 되는 로켓츠

로켓츠 팀에선 단지 4명의 선수만이 플옵에서 7차전을 경험했다. 바로 티맥,야오,무톰보,앨스턴이다. 거기다 앨스턴과 무톰보만이 7차전에서의 승리를 경험했다. 7차전을 홈에서 뛰어본 로켓츠 선수는 아무도 없다.

Late lift from crowd

밴 건디는 홈코트의 의미보다는 팀 개개인이 가지는 승리에 대한 의지가 더 중요하다고 강조했지만, 홈코트에서 게임을 펼치게 된다는 것은 분명 유리한 점이 있다. 지난 6차전 유타 원정에서 휴스턴 선수들을 마지막 8분동안 혼란에 빠뜨리게 한 것처럼 말이다.

Factor down the stretch

"홈코트 어드밴티지가 분명 커다란 팩터이긴 하지만, 우선은 게임을 잘 풀어나가야만 합니다."라고 밴 건디는 말했다.

로켓츠는 유타 원정에서 23게임중 21패를 당했다. 그 차이는 분명한 것이다. 솔트 레이크 시티를 벗어나서 게임을 한다는 것은 분명 로켓츠로서는 다행이다.

로켓츠는 홈에서 조금이나마 더나은 슈팅력을 보였다. 솔트 레이크 시티에선 39.6% 야투와 30% 3점 성공률을 기록했지만, 홈에서는 각각 40.5% 33.3%를 기록했다. 하지만 턴오버에 있어서는 원정에서 18턴오버를 기록한데 비해 홈에서는 13.7 턴오버만을 기록했다.

Comfort zone

티맥은 에너지솔루션 아레나를 "여태까지 경험해본 플옵 시리즈 중에서 가장 시끄러운 곳"이라고 했다. 그러나 로켓츠는 올시즌 도요타 센터에서 28승 13패를 거뒀다. 홈에서 뛴다는 건 큰 도움이 될 수 있다.

"우리 팀은 홈 게임에서 뛴다는 것에 편안함을 느낍니다. 정말 다들 홈에선 슛이 더 잘 들어가는 것처럼 보이죠. 관중들의 응원도 큰 힘이 됩니다. 우리 팀은 좀더 편안하게 해주고 승부처의 압박 속에서도 균형을 잃지 않게 끔 기운을 붓돋아 줍니다."

Last chance

사용자 삽입 이미지

Go Rockets!!!

Posted by Third Eye
사용자 삽입 이미지

힘내라 티맥

  유타 원정에서 두 게임을 모두 다 패하면서 시리즈는 2:2 동점이 되었습니다. 시즌 막판 지지부진했던 유타 재즈에 비해서 홈코트 어드밴티지를 따내는 등 기세가 올라와 있던 로켓츠였죠. 그렇기에 내심 원정에서 한게임만 잡아 준다면 1라운드를 4:1로 마무리 짓을 수 있지 않을까 하는 기대도 있었지만, 역시나 유타는 힘든 상대이고 모두들 예상한 것 처럼 1라운드 대결 중에서 가장 터프한 시리즈가 되어가고 있습니다.

지금 분위기로 봐서는 반드시 잡아야할 5차전을 잡아낸다 하더라도 7차전까지 가야 진출 팀이 결정날 듯 하네요. 만약 5차전마저 놓친다면.. 음 생각하기 조차 싫군요 -_-

3차전도 그랬지만 4차전도 무척이나 실망스런 게임이었습니다. 접전 끝에 졌다면 아쉬움은 더 컷을지 라도 다음 게임에 대한 희망도 커졌을 텐데.. 이건 뭐 시종 일관 끌려다니다 4쿼터에는 20점차가 나버리는 군요. 특히 3쿼터 종료 직전 2:1 속공 찬스에서 어이없는 스틸로 3점을 얻어맞는 장면은 정말 ㅠ.ㅜ 아무리 지공 팀이라지만 에혀 ;;

야오는 1쿼터 좋은 득점력을 보였지만, 후반 들어서는 고질적인 체력 문제에다 부저에 대한 수비 부담 때문인지 시즌보다도 더욱 힘들어 하더군요. 오쿠어의 포스트 업 수비도 좋아고..

벤치는 더욱 답답하네요. 3차전에서 무득점; 주완 하워드와 루써 헤드는 정말.. 베테랑의 모습을 보여줘야 할 하워드는 답답한 1할대 야투율을 보여주고 있고(19% -_-) 특히 3,4차전에서는 4차전 막판 가비지 타임에서 두골을 뺀다면 0/10의 야투율이었죠, 헤드는 첫 플레이오프 무대라 긴장한 건지 하워드와 비슷한 21%의 야투율.. 야오의 체력 세이브와 로켓츠 인사이드 득점 밸런스를 위해서는 하워드의 분발이 꼭 필요합니다. 헤드의 슛도 정말 안터지네요. 이렇게 주요 식스맨들이 부진하다면 다른 선수들도 써볼만 한데, 밴 건디의 고집이란; 특히 스나이더 같은 운동능력이 좋은 슬래셔를 기용해서 지지부진한 공격의 돌파구를 마련해 보는 것도 괜찮을 텐데..

거기다 웰스의 이탈은 정말 아쉽네요. 분명 웰스의 존재는 빈약한 휴스턴 공격력과 벤치에 힘을 실어줄 수 있었을텐데. 암튼 에이전트 삽질과 오프 시즌 훈련 부족에 따른 과체중으로 인해 지금과 같은 웰스의 이탈이 예견되었는지도 모르겠네요.

벤치가 이렇게 부진하다면, 티맥의 에이스 모드도 필요한데 너무 한량 모드네요. 실질적인 플레이 메이커로서 게임을 풀어나가는 모습도 좋지만, 이런 팀 분위기에서는 이것이 에이스다라는 게 필요한데.. 플레이오프 1차전을 제외하고는 그런 모습을 자주 보여주지 못하네요.

5차전을 위해서 필요한 것

- 티맥의 부활 : 누가 머래도 올시즌 로켓츠를 이끌어 왔고 PO을 올려놓은 선수는 티맥입니다. 이제 킬러본능을 되찾아야 할 때입니다.

- 박스 아웃 : 유타는 리그 최고의 오펜시브 리바운드 팀입니다. 그만큼 슛이 미쓰 되도 공격적인 리바운드 참여로 공격 포제션을 길게 가져가는 팀이죠. 야오가 주로 수비 리바운드를 잡아주고 있지만, 체력이 떨어지고 승부처가 되는 후반에는 공격 리바운드를 자주 허용합니다. 전 선수들이 적극적인 모습이 필요합니다.

- 수비 : 수비의 팀이라지만 4차전에서는 그러한 모습을 찾아볼 수 없었습니다. 특히 데론 윌리암스의 페네트레이션에 많이 당했죠. 앨스턴으로 힘들다면 배티에를 붙이는 것도 고려해 봐야 할듯 하네요.

Posted by Third Eye

Posted by Third Eye

April 21, 2007, 2:07AM
Rockets vs. Jazz: Five keys to victory ...

1) Big games from the big two: 재즈는 더블팀 헬핑을 자제하는 수비를 펼칠 것이다. 이런 류의 끈적끈적한, 재즈의 수비로부터 오픈 샷 부족 문제를 해결하기 위해서는 야오와 티맥이 많은 득점을 올려줘야만 한다.

2) Drop the hammer:  로켓츠가 홈에서 4쿼터 리드를 하고 있을때, 게임을 마무리 지어야만 한다. 재즈는 4월 1일 도요타 센터에서 역전승을 거둔 바 있고, 플레이오프에서 로켓츠가 유리한 고지에 있을 때 끝내야만 한다.

3) Don't get picked apart by the pick-and-roll:  재즈는 리그 최고의 픽앤롤 팀중 하나이다. 로켓츠는 적어도 레이업하기 위해 골밑으로 뛰어드는 Roll 역할의 선수를 막아야만 한다.

4) Clean the glass: 로켓츠가 리바운드에서 상대를 압도할 때, 거의 항상 승리를 가져왔다. 로켓츠는 리그 최고의 수비 리바운드 팀이지만, 재즈 역시도 리그 최고의 공격 리바운드 팀이다.

5) Own home: 재즈는 리그에서 가장 터프한 홈구장을 가지고 있지만, 로켓츠는 그렇지 않다. 홈 게임을 반드시 잡아야 한다.

... and for the Jazz

1) Be chairmen of the boards: 재즈는 공격 리바운드/총 리바운드 비율에서 리그 최고의 팀이다. 상대의 빅맨을 끌어내고 리바운드를 장악한다.

2) Big games from Boozer: 오직 야오만이 부저가 기록한 5번의 30+ 득점, 15+ 리바운드를 기록했다. 그 말은 부저는 야오만큼 도미넌트하다는 말.

3) Put Yao on the defensive: 데론 윌리암스의 스크린 플레이나 부저의 컷인 플레이를 통해서, 야오가 수비에 신경쓰게끔 만들고 파울 트러블에 빠뜨려서 야오의 출장 시간을 제한해야만 한다.

4) Tie up the loose balls: 재즈는 루즈 볼을 따내는 데 있어 리그 최고의 팀중 하나이고, 그것은 더 많은 포제션을 가져다 주고 상대팀으로 하여금 수비에 더 에너지를 더 소모하게 만든다.

5) Sharpshooting: 재즈는 리그에서 3번째로 정확한 슈팅을 갖춘 팀이다. 오쿠어의 3점슛과 부저의 20핏 점퍼는 막기 어렵다.

Posted by Third Eye
Posted by Third Eye

April 21, 2007, 2:12AM
Rockets vs. Jazz: How they match up

Center: Okur vs. Yao

Mehmet Okur has had a career year, with too much range for most centers and too much size for most forwards. Yao Ming, the league's top-scoring center each of the past two seasons, has returned to his offensive form before his injury. Yao likely will match up more against Carlos Boozer to be able to stay inside, with Okur, Boozer and Jarron Collins taking turns on Yao.

Edge: Rockets

Power forward: Boozer vs. Hayes

As much as anyone, Boozer's relative good health this season has keyed the Jazz turnaround. Boozer was an All-Star this season and has had a breakthrough season. The Rockets' Chuck Hayes, in just his second season, became the starter as a complement to Yao Ming. An energetic rebounder and strong defender, he added an ability to cut to take passes inside from Tracy McGrady.

Edge: Jazz.

Small forward: Kirilenko vs. Battier

With Andrei Kirilenko coming back Monday, the Jazz get an active shot-blocking and rebounding force, even though he has struggled at times. The Rockets' Shane Battier has had a similar impact defensively and his best season from beyond the arc.

Edge: Rockets.

Shooting guard: Fisher vs. McGrady

After one season with Golden State, Derek Fisher, long a clutch postseason player, has helped stabilize the Jazz's backcourt even though he struggled with his shot in April. Tracy McGrady came back from last season's back spasms to become as much of a driving force as a playmaker as he is as a scorer.

Edge: Rockets.

Point guard: Williams vs. Alston

Deron Williams has grown into one of the league's top young point guards, enough for Jerry Sloan to go back to much of the offense as he ran it with John Stockton as the Jazz have become one of the league's most efficient offensive teams. Rafer Alston has done well running the offense and limiting turnovers, but he can be incredibly streaky with his shot.

Edge: Jazz.

Bench: Jazz vs. Rockets

With Andrei Kirilenko and Gordan Giricek returning from injuries, Matt Harpring moves back to coming off the bench and the Jazz get deeper and stronger off the bench. Jarron Collins can add some defensive help on Yao Ming. Luther Head had an outstanding season from 3-point range with Juwan Howard and Dikembe Mutombo often providing a needed lift. Basically, Head and Harpring, and Giricek and Howard cancel each other out, with Mutombo getting the edge on Collins.

Edge: Rockets.

Coach: Sloan vs. Van Gundy

Jerry Sloan is fourth in wins among active coaches, twice taking the Jazz to the NBA Finals. Despite missing Yao, McGrady or both for half the season, Jeff Van Gundy has led the Rockets to their best record since 1996-97, and he also has taken a team — the 1999 New York Knicks — to the Finals. Both have their teams playing their way and seem to have the complete confidence of their players, with Sloan getting the edge in seniority.

Edge: Jazz.

Prediction: Rockets in seven.

Posted by Third Eye